Localize Direct: if it matters to you, it matters to us

2022-08-04 | David Jones

Localize Direct: if it matters to you, it matters to us

We don’t make assumptions about our customers and we never take them for granted. Localize Direct stays on the cutting edge of localization technology development by asking customers what they think. Whether we support you with translation, localization quality assessment, content management or content localization, we’re here to make your working lives easier and more productive. Today’s post is a summary of the feedback we received in the first half of 2022. If you’re a Localize Direct customer, you may well recognise some of these points, and please feel free to add to them. If you’re not yet a Localize Direct customer, we welcome any thoughts you’d like to share.

Tone in game language


Tone is so important in game language. With China, for example, rationing the gaming experience for users and wanting young people to have positive online influences, it’s important that gamers are addressed in a respectful way from language to language. Localize Direct’s flagship product, Gridly, has the capacity to deliver consistent, appropriate language through the storage of translation memories and glossaries, helping us pitch our communication at the right level every time.

Audiovisual localization


Thank you for helping us manage high volumes of different types of content in multiple languages. For us, localization means far more than just translating text. It means having the ability to store and localize audio-visual files just as easily as text. Localize Direct opens that door for us, and many more.


localization quality assurance

Many game localization issues arise in implementation, due to errors in source strings or other file problems. Quality testing makes all the difference. We need to protect our good name with rigorous testing while also accelerating time to market. In Gridly we can make instant comparisons between text strings and the corresponding in-game screenshots. Corrections can be made and verified without delay, and it makes our LQA process four times faster with no loss of accuracy.   

access control


Not being in control of stakeholder access rights was a big problem for us, and it was too easy for our people to accidentally edit or delete content. Gridly gives us the power to grant each person precisely the access they need, and track exactly what they can view and edit.


game localization by gamers

It is so obvious that Localize Direct’s products have been created by people who love gaming, and that passion for the gaming experience clearly fuels your development process. When I need cookery advice, I would rather listen to a chef who enjoys the food, relishes the aroma and the taste, and prepares the meal with love. That’s what I get from Localize Direct, an expertly developed service from people who understand the importance of attention to detail in the gaming experience and deliver it with commitment.


We value your feedback, and our message in return is simple. We know how hard you work to deliver an experience that gamers can enjoy, and we think you deserve a partner that will work just as hard, be just as innovative and fuel their work with just as much passion for gaming.

The good news is, we’re right here. Because if it matters to you, it matters to us.

Transcreation vs Localization: Definition And Examples From The Video Games Industry

2021-04-28 | Jekaterina Zaterina

Have you played a video game with verses or songs that were in your native language? Or are you a game developer working on this type of game and would like to adapt it to other languages? Translation of poems and songs may be one of the toughest challenges for translators. This article will share some tips on how to handle the transcreation process.

Game Localization For Indonesia - Will You Miss The 4th Largest Country In The World?

2021-03-03 | Sonja Mirkovic

For many, Indonesia is known for its volcanoes, coffee and Bali island. For game developers, it's one of the most promising markets with the population accounting for 3.5% of global numbers, right after China, India, and the US. If you’re considering promoting your game in Asia, you can't skip Indonesia. And here's why.