Client Release Version 2.14.149

New in this version

If you are looking for a MAC installer for the application client, then please visit this page.

  • New (Script language): New word-count function added that can be used in the build generator scripts. Syntax:
  <int count> = wordCount( <string> );
  • New (Script language): New set-numeric-Excel value function added that can be used in the build generator scripts. Syntax:
  setExcelCellNumericValue(<col>, <row>, <value>);
  • Fix (Script language): The datatype syntax check for the cell-renderer functions setBackgroundColor and setForegroundColor will no longer warn if the arguments are fetched from a Map.

  • Bug fix (Validation script): It’s now possbile to change the identifier name using a validation script.

  • Bug fix: If a text in a single cell was being copied by selecting a cell (not when it was being edited) and then this text was pasted into a cell that was being edited, an extra new-line was appended after the text. This wouldn’t happen if either the text was being copied & pasted in edit mode or if it was copied & pasted in selection mode.
